
Sharing digital experiences

Cuppa, a powerful, adaptive content manager for all projects

Create and personalize the administration of all your contents.  The principal features is the easy and fast form that the developer can create all a complex, complete system to manage all content, quickly without write code.

Why use it.

Don't worry and waste days developing component to manager the specific tables in your application or web page, learning new platforms to migrate all the development and reach a decent administration, or searching third developments that solve your problem and conform with it functionality or fall in a battle to try to adapt it at the project requirements.

Save a lot time and use it to improve you project, to get a better application, a web page more complex and finally a front-end more useful to your clients and users.

Cuppa is the platform that help you to create the back-end of all your projects, is easy to use, and have advanced features, all it in seconds.

With Cuppa you can: administrate all tables, manager users, permissions, menus, language files, create configuration sections, integrate with Google Analytics and more.

Basic operation.

Use Table manager to configure and administrate the tables in your database.

Add a menu item to bring a quickly access to manage the table.

It is all, with 2 steps you can create the administration of all content in your project...

Cuppa CMS page


Download Cuppa CMS and play with it.


Or check out a demo online.

User admin
Contraseña admin

The demo have a pre-configurated tables Demo tables, you can check the configuration on setting menu Table manager.

ex_categories Show a nested table, very useful to create, menus, categories sections, virtual folder systems, etc.
ex_articles This table is used to show the functionality of some fields.
alias Field type: Text, auto generate the alias in relation to another field.
categories Field type: Select List, This field load the table info ex_categories and show the content like a nested list.
content Field type: Textarea, editor TinyMCE.
date Field type: Date, created to manager dates.
ex_products This table was created to show how to send values between tables, on the right side you can see a button that send table values to another table ex_product_images.
ex_product_images This table save all product images, these are automatically linked with the product.
ex_all_fields Show general configuration of all fields. Cuppa CMS allow create new fields, and personalize his functionality.

Personalized components.

If your require create some personalized administration, you can create components and extends the default functionality, is easy and quickly, isn't necessary learn new paradigms, nor apply a definite structure.

Advantage to use the Cuppa framework on your front-end.

Is possible integrate the framework on your developments and access to specific methods to take a easy integration with the administrator.

To include Cuppa inside your front-end only need include the file Cuppa.php and initialize it.

$cuppa = Cuppa::getInstance();

Only 2 code line you have all the framework ready to play. In next articles we will see on deep the classes and methods, bellow you can see the classes and some example that how use the most common examples.

Cuppa.php Root class, instance all another classes and give access to all methods.


This class give a quickly and easy access to the database.

Some examples.

Read data

// Return all data inside the table


$condition = "enabled = 1";

$cuppa->dataBase->getRow("table", "condition");
// Retorna el o los datos según la condición


$data = new stdClass();
$data->name = "'Tufik Chediak'";
$data->age = 18;
$data->date_registered = 'NOW()';

$cuppa->dataBase->insert("table", $data);
// Insert the info inside the table


$data = new stdClass();
$data->name = "'Tufik Chediak'";
$data->age = 20;

$condition = "id = 1";
$cuppa->dataBase->update("table", $data, $condition);
// Update all info if the conditions is true.


This class have different methods to manager the menu.

Some examples.

// Return the specific menu like list ul,li

// Return the specific menu like a array


Give access to the language files.

Some examples.

// Return a object with the file, on the current language.


// Return the current language reference: en, fr, es

// Return an array with all available languages [en, fr, es]

Cuppa, a powerful, adaptive content manager for all projects
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Cuppa, a powerful, adaptive content manager for all projects

Create and personalize the administration of all your contents.  The principal features is...

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